Attention to Detail

Frances Bristol assembled an important textile collection that documents cultural changes, especially in Oaxaca, 墨西哥. Her chance meeting with a 贝洛伊特 professor led this rich resource to the Logan Museum of Anthropology.
St. John, Newfoundland, Canada is a beautiful city! The houses are all painted in bold colors. A nice place to visit.

Dancing Around the World

As our plane touched down in Newfoundland, the lights of St. John’s twinkled out of the darkness, marking the end of a long day of transcontinental flights.



Eudora Shepherd

Remembering Eudora Shepherd

As this issue was about to go to press, we learned of the December death of beloved professor emerita Eudora Shepherd, who taught vocal music at the college for more than 50 years.

How Much for That Tree?

Price tags could be found hanging from many mature trees last fall in 贝洛伊特, both on campus and throughout the city.
Students are holding signs that were made with a 3D printer in CELEB's Maker Lab, which will move to the renovated building's third floor...

CELEB Gets a Makeover, Adds to Vibrant Downtown

In mid-December, one of the two downtown buildings that house the Center for Entrepreneurship in Liberal Education at 贝洛伊特, commonly known as CELEB, was shrouded in heavy sheets of plastic.
Students work to plant new plants at the site of a 250-year-old tree that fell during a spring storm.

Many Hands, Quick Work

Twenty-six students, aided by several members of 贝洛伊特’s grounds crew, planted more than 600 plants in a plot next to Pearsons Hall in September.
Jim and Marge Sanger

Science Center Named for Sangers

In October, the executive committee of the college’s board of trustees unanimously recommended that 贝洛伊特’s science center be named to recognize the extraordinary leadership of Marge and Jim Sanger.
Amanda Browder'98

Building Community Through Creativity

贝洛伊特ers will have a chance to collaborate with textile artist Amanda Browder’98 (above) on a large-scale fabric art sculpture to be installed on campus in April.

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